The Social Hub

“The project team have been able to manage many changes by stakeholders across a diverse group and still deliver on the expectations of coming in under budget.”

Sharron Jackson, Director, Open Universities Australia

The Social Hub is a prototypical fit out that crosses the borders between tertiary education and commercial practice by containing boutique law firms with academia through a series of innovative and flexible spaces. Intended in part to provide a degree of baseline learning for the future, it was delivered against the background of a challenging program, dilapidated existing shell, and careful stakeholder consultation. The design is a hybrid of adaptive reuse (the existing sweeping stair welcoming entrants to the building is celebrated), ‘cheap wins’ (that present a quality belaying their cost), and precise new work, creative a tapestry of parts that mirrors the building’s philosophy.


Tertiary Education
Interior Design

Built by Intrec, engineered by Lucid Consulting, photography by Jeremy Wright Photography
Project management by Cerno


Islands and Angles

